Obtaining the national metrological traceability chain
associated to the dosimetry of the eye lens by creating high-precision dosimetry phantoms,
using state-of-the-art 3D printing techniques

“Horia Hulubei” National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering pursued the establishment of the national metrological traceability chain associated with the dosimetry of the eye lens by testing and validating new calibration methods for eye lens dosimetry through the use of 3D printing techniques. The results of the related research activities were obtained within the national project entitled: “Obtaining the national metrological traceability chain associated with the eye lens dosimetry by creating high-precision dosimetry phantoms, using state-of-the-art 3D printing techniques” (PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2019-0217). The employed method is both elaborate and versatile, allowing the possibility to resolve various challenges encountered in the field of eye lens dosimetry, posed by geometrical, densitometric, and position-related inconsistencies of specific dosemeters. Moreover, this method accounts for discrepancies arising from different angles of incidence between the left and right eyes, by providing accurate and precise calibration factors for the two individual cases. Nonetheless, the most important outcome of the project is the establishment of the national metrological traceability chain corresponding to eye lens dosimetry, due to its major impact on the socioeconomic environment. Setting a cornerstone for radioprotection development in this dosimetry field, as well as creating a new national metrological system with potential for international implementation will minimize the negative effects ionizing radiation has on the human eye and improve the health of the population through the accurate and precise calibration of eye lens dosemeters.

Prin intermediul proiectului national intitulat „Obtinerea lantului national de trasabilitate metrological asociat dozimetriei de cristalin prin crearea de fantome dozimetrice de inalta precizie, utilizand tehnici de printare 3D de ultima generatie” (PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2019-0217), Institutului National de Cercetare - Dezvoltare pentru Fizica si Inginerie Nucleara Horia Hulubei a urmarit si a realizat dezvoltarea lantului national de trasabilitate metrologica si in domeniul dozimetriei de cristalin, prin testarea si validarea unei noi metode de calibrare a dozimetrelor de cristalin (utilizand tehnici de imprimare 3D). Aceasta metoda elaborata, complexa si multivalenta, a reusit sa rezolve unele dintre principalele probleme ale dozimetriei de cristalin, si anume, inconsecventele geometrice, densitometrice si de pozitie a dozimetrelor specifice acestui tip de dozimetrie (cat si diferentele unghiulare dintre ochiul stang si cel drept, oferind valori individuale (precise si exacte) ale factorilor de calibrare pentru fiecare dintre acestia). Cel mai semnificativ rezultat al acestui proiect este realizarea lantului national de trasabilitate metrologica aferent dozimetriei de cristalin. Impactul acestuia in mediul socio-economic este major, oferind atat o piatra de temelie ramurii radioprotectiei aferenta dozimetriei de cristalin (conducand la micsorarea efectelor negative ale radiatiilor ionizante asupra ochiului uman; imbunatatirea starii de sanatate a populatiei expuse) cat si crearea unui nou produs (serviciu) metrologic la nivel national (cu potential de extindere pe piata internationala), si anume, calibrarea dozimetrelor de cristalin (cu un nivel crescut de exactitate si precizie).